

zaterdag 13 februari 2016

Seeds and species... Cabbage

Now as we have our composting and its application quite in order, we have the time to worry about the seeds and the species that we sow. We noticed that we achieve completely different results with the seeds we sow in comparison with the plants that we can buy on the market. It looks very much that the plants we buy are of a professional kind. The seeds that we can get anywhere are often just so so.

In the greenhouse.

This winter it rained a lot and the skies were often cloudy. With this we want to say that therefore it did not have frozen so much. The result is that now we see some beautiful cabbages in our vegetable patch.

Some are of seeds and some of bought plants. The cabbage in the picture is from seed. It looks healthy and seems big, but it is as light as a feather. The reason why we see after cutting...
It tasted fine, moreover.

The previous year we grew spring cabbage in bins, in a mixture of old and new compost (50%/50%). The leaf was small and the cabbage was not so large, but was very compact. Just like from the supermarket :)
Shame we did not make a picture of a cut cabbage...
The taste was a bit more flat but sweeter than the cabbage from purchased seed.  Apparently therein species may also differ from each other.

If anyone knows where one can buy professional seeds ... PLEASE MAIL US. Please use the mail form in the column alongside, scrolled to the bottom »
We will send you our mailing address, so that you can communicate with us.



Our big friend is present again. The first swallows have just flown over and the storks start nesting. So ... despite the rain and the non-Portuguese cold... a new season is about to begin.

'Jopie'... A creation of a very tasty potato
of French origin, called Chéri. The smallest ones
we keep. When they are sprung, we put them into the raised bed
for a next cultivation.  Maybe this time we should even try 
to grow them in pots...? 

March 2017...:

The cabbage which we sowed ourselves, now in March 18, 2017... a loose cabbage.

The same cabbage from sowing, in March 22, 2017... is growing nicely.
He is getting higher and more pointed.

Cabbage from bought (professional) plants - March 18, 2017...
a pretty solid cabbage, ripe for harvest.

Cabbage from purchased plants - March 22, 2017... the cabbage burst open.
We see this happen more often in solid compact cabbages and (still) not in loose ones.



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