

donderdag 23 april 2020

A different way of living together.

Sometimes, in an ordinary conversation, something comes to the surface that is more than worth remembering. It sinks away due to other important things in that conversation, but then it comes to the surface again. Just say the subconscious has identified it as important, and then, poppie, it's back.

So that was the subject in the conversation with a friend, which I later remembered and have now worked out.

We all know the ordinary household. Through time and awareness, we have arrived in the home, that grandparents are tucked away in old people's homes, they no longer belong to the home. While that used to be a necessity to keep the family running. Grantpa and mom were needed for supervision, knowledge transfer and help in various circumstances.

Due to all kinds of influences from freedom to the computer and washing machine, one has the feeling that one has escaped the need to have grandparents.

While now the problem arises that parents of the family have to take their children to the nursery, the nursery and the school (which now and then no longer has a teacher) and cannot fall back on grandma, because they can no longer absorb all that, because they have long since been used up, forgotten and no longer feel like it. Raise your own children, is the current creed.

Still, I wish grandparents could still take on a task. Not because grandparents would be the ideal, but more because four generations, things like being older and younger would experience more as natural, because they interact with each other. Learn to experience each other's insights, habits and age-related problems, at an old and young age. The distance that now exists between young and old has been artificially created by our society. It was a natural escape from the power and pressure that young parents experienced from their parents, on their household, but a lot has also been lost as a result.

That time of the past, when grandparents did have a lot of influence, will never come back, society has changed and overshot for that.

What is possible is to look for grandparents on the basis of equal disposition. These are not real grandparents, but elderly people who are in line with the lifestyle that the young family has chosen.

I come here because I happened to visit a friend, and there was also a mother with two children, a boy and a girl, a man of twenty, and I of almost eighty. so four generations.

They had met a man in the market who sold clay products (clay bricks like Lego) for small houses. The girlfriend had brought clay from the neighborhood and they all went to build a house out of stones and clay, and sticks for reinforcement.

At that time I was not in the mood to really participate, but I could observe it. And a kind of division of labor was created. The boy and the girlfriend started to build real walls, the twenties started making the furniture, chairs and planters, etc. The girl then joined one and then the other, and the mother of the children took pictures to capture for later.

And the atmosphere was good. I was just watching who did what, and was just there.

Afterwards it was good, knowing me I might have put forward an initiative in which the spontaneous had disappeared.

Nevertheless, something like clay with the aim of building villages is also a nice idea, especially if it is connected to a game like monopoly, but in a way, instead of streets, a garden village, where everyone has their own vegetable garden. and only needs money to e.g. to pay the electricity, which he cannot generate himself, but must pay off from his sold vegetables or grains.

But this aside. What I am concerned with is that the elderly can simply be present with children, and by their presence alone bring the rest that children need in their time. The tension in the family, through the different characters, is, as it were, drained to earth :)

In addition, I think that the family in a rural situation, as a family, has more opportunities than in a city, with its many tensions. If one knows that this can be combined with older people who match the lifestyle of the family, then the family has the best chance of a harmonious self-existence. And then it does not matter whether the parents are a traditional family or another combination. This concerns in particular the four generations that interact in a stabilizing manner. I think.

Hendrik (:).

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